Hi, I’m Burak, a newbie in the topic of combining ML and Optimization. I like the topic so much, that I think I might share some cool stuf with you. This is a blog that I try to put interesting stuff usually about ML and Optimization. A little disclaimer, I work at GAMS Software GmbH but this is a personal blog. So, anything I write here is neither checked nor produced by them.
To not contribute to the dead internet even more, I promise to not use any AI tools to autogenerate text content for me (although I might use it for very minor stuff). Sometimes, the stuff I write will include academical papers, or I will try to do some comparisons. If you think, I did not give the credit where it is due, or did not do a fair experiment, please just hit me up at my e-mail or create an issue at GitHub.
You can find the source code for this site at GitHub: hbusul/mlopt.xyz
Feel free to open issues if you see something wrong or wish for an example in the topics I work on.